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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to Keep Your Skin Young and Beautiful

Following a simple anti aging skin care regimen can keep your complexion looking fresh and youthful for years to come.

Anti Aging Skin Care from the Inside Out

Keeping your body well hydrated is a basic tenet of anti aging skin care. Studies indicate that Americans are dehydrated over 75% of the time. Lack of water coupled with rising caffeine consumption (which produces a diuretic effect) can result in serious health problems and negative cosmetic results. Since your body is made up of over 75% water, lack of this substance can impact bodily function. When your body is hydrated, cells function at optimal level. When your cells function at optimal level, your body sheds dead skin more quickly, which contributes to that healthy glow.

Eating right is another way to keep the wrinkles at bay. Think of your body as a finely tuned machine for which you want to provide the best fuel. Your skin, in particular, needs certain vitamins and minerals to look its best. For example, vitamin A reduces sebum production (the oil that can cause blemishes), vitamin B contributes to even skin tone and vitamin E reduces acne scarring. Eating a wholesome diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains is a sure recipe for beautiful skin.

Avoid the Sun

A certain amount of sun exposure is necessary to create vitamin D, which regulates calcium and phosphorous levels in the blood. However, excessive exposure can lead to long term damage, premature aging and even skin cancer. There are two types of light generated by the sun; UVB rays and UVA rays. UVB rays are what cause your skin to burn, while UVA rays penetrate deep into the second layer of the skin, causing elasticin and collagen fibers to break down. This is how skin can acquire a tough, leathery appearance Wearing sunscreen is a very important part of anti aging skin care. Be sure to use a sunscreen that provides protection against both UVA and UVB rays and has an SPF of 15 or higher. If you are active, take care to
reapply the lotion every few hours. In addition, remember that sunscreen is not just for the beach , but also for everyday use. Direct exposure to midday sunlight, especially for fair skin, can lead to cumulative skin damage.

Anti Aging Skin Care, Exfoliation and Moisturization

SK II Skin Signature moisturises for a more youthful looking skin
Exfoliating dead skin cells is a very important part of an anti aging skin care regimen. The older you are, the more often you need to exfoliate. On average, your skin cells renew themselves approximately every three weeks. As you get older, the natural aging process can slow this renewal down. To accelerate the turnover of dead, dull skin, you need to exfoliate or remove the uppermost layer of your epidermis.

Be sure not to choose a product that is too rough or harsh on your skin. Also, take your skin type into consideration. Individuals with dry, sensitive skin should only exfoliate once or twice a week, while individuals with oily skin should exfoliate daily. After you exfoliate, take care to apply a quality moisturizer formulated for your skin type. The moisturizer will be absorbed more readily by the newer, fresher skin cells.

Having beautiful skin need not be expensive or time consuming. With a minimal investment of effort, anti aging skin care can be simple and easy. A few preventative measures now can yield some amazing benefits later on.

-Andrea Pugno Di Ferro

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